Re: BEWARE - 1st time ACV users!
Everything is not what it appears to be said to be!!!
And Blackstrap Molasses is one of those things!!!
Pure Blackstrap Molasses is one of the "HIGHEST" Quality of fully loaded Alkaline Mineral concentrates that is in a Carbon bond that I know of for such a cheap price!!
Do you suppose that it's cheapness of cost may be why some want to distort the "TRUTH" about it's value in Health matters concerning one of the biggest problems people have with Candida-Yeast/Fungus infections????????????
Why, I would say you would probably get more problems from just smelling
White Sugar , than from eating a dish full of Blackstrap molasses!!
The drink I mentioned of using one tablespoon full of blackstrap molasses and one tablespoon full of ACV will not give the same results as using one half of a fresh Lemon with the blackstrap molasses, yet it will produce much better results than either the Lemon or the ACV by themselves!!!!!!!!!!!
This is all about Electrical Energy Release for the body to be powered by!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not about "IF" some of the
Sugar in the blackstrap will or will not cause a problem or not!!
For when you understand the body is a finely tuned Electrical Machine, you do not worry about the foods as most do , but you look into what kind of Electrical Energy may be released by the reactions which will or will not take place!!
And what organs are suffering and what kind of Electrical Energy these organs need for repair!!!
It is all about the Acid Alkaline pH Balancing!!!
Smile Tis your choice.