Re: question about sweating
Hi and thanks,
today is my Day 12, and I really am into it. What a garbage comes out, I just hope my tongue will clear, right now it's half clean, half coated white, and all looks geografical, lol! And I was also hoping my eyes will get better, but so far not - the whites are yellowish with red streaks. So, let's see what happens. You are still on OJ fasting, right? What'll happen when you get off it? Meaning, are you going to use LBB stuff or you'll continue on your own easily?
I'm asking since last year I was on Ultimate Cleanse, taking Colon Program with similar ingredients, and after I came off of it, I had problems. So, I don't know what happens to me after I get off of MC. But I still have a couple of days, may be I'll find some tips. If you have any, I'd appreciate it.
Happy cleansing and all the best.