The_Ultimate Alchemy_
This sutra says,
You need a full moon in you to offer to the Divine as a food. That only can be the food for the Divine – a full moon inside.
Awareness works in a double way. It creates a sun and it also creates a moon. We talked about how it creates a sun inside. When you become aware of whatsoever is happening in you, of the innermost unconscious activities, you become Enlightened. The very cells of your body become conscious; you become light. Your consciousness reaches to the very pores of your body. Just like the rays of the sun reach into the earth, your inner awareness, once awakened, begins to work in every cell of the body and every fibre, every nerve of the body. Your whole body is filled with light. But this is only one part of awareness, this is only one process of awareness. Rays from your center also go to your periphery, to the circumference. The more your rays go to the circumference, the cooler your center becomes.
I do not know whether you have heard of a particular theory about the sun – the outer sun; I do not know whether it is right or not, but it is meaningful in helping to understand the inner reality. They say the sun at its deepest center is the coolest spot in the solar system; it is not hot at all. The heat is only on the periphery, on the circumference, not in the inner center of the sun. Because of helium gas around the sun, heat is created; because of the helium and its chain explosion of atoms, heat is created, and then the heat spreads to the solar family.
The sun has a body and it is the center. The solar family is the body and the earth belongs to the body as a cell. The heat goes to the solar family, it spreads. But the sun in itself is a cold thing, absolutely cold, and at its deepest center, it is the coldest spot in existence. It should be so because reality exists in polarities. If the sun is the hottest thing, it must have something inside it which balances the heat.
Take a wheel that is just moving on the street: the wheel moves, but in the center the hub on which it moves remains still. The movement must have something non-moving in the center, otherwise movement will not be possible.
In this world of manifestations, everything exists within polar opposites. You are alive because you have death inside. If you had no death inside, you could not be alive. So do not think that one day it suddenly happens that death comes to you. It is an inner growth. It is not something that you meet, that you encounter – no! It is something toward which you are daily growing. One day the growth is complete, and you are dead. It is an inner phenomenon. You are alive with a death center. You cannot be alive without a death center.
Nothing exists without its polar opposite. Life and death are just two positive and negative realities. So it looks logical, dialectical also, but it is not yet proved that the sun has at its center a cold spot, an absolutely cold spot, the polar opposite to the heat on its circumference. It may be true, it may not be true: that is irrelevant. But inside it is absolutely true. When you become aware, the heat begins to travel toward your circumference. Each cell of your body will become heated, warm, because of the awareness penetrating. The second counterpart will be that your center of being will become cooler and cooler and cooler. That is the moon working. The sun is the warmth spreading, the light spreading.
And you must know that light has two qualities – light and warmth. Heat is just concentrated light; light is nothing but dispersed heat. So when light travels to your body, every cell will become warm, enlightened, aware. Sleep is a cold thing, night is a cold thing. That is why we sleep in the night: it is a cold time. And in the morning, with the rising sun, everything becomes warm, alive. Then it is difficult to sleep and easy to be awake.
When your circumference is cold, when each body cell is cold. asleep, your center will be a hot spot. Because of that hot spot in the center you will be sexual, you will be angry, you will be greedy, you will be everything. Your center will be in a fever This heat begins to travel. Of course, when heat leaves your center it spreads; and the more it spreads, the less it is heat and the more it is light.
The sunrays on the earth are life-giving. They have travelled much. If you go nearer and nearer to them they will become death-giving, because then they will not be warm: then they will be just pure fire.
As it is, the whole body structure is just cold. You feel heat only in anger, in sex, in desire, in passion. That is not light, but simply a feverish phenomenon. Because of this, sex is felt as a release – because you lose a certain quantity of heat, and you are relieved; you lose a certain quantity of fever, and you are released.
Because of this, militaries have not allowed their soldiers any sexual freedom – because if you allow sexual freedom to soldiers. they cannot fight. Then inner fever is released. If you do not allow them sexual freedom, their inner fever is accumulated. That accumulated fever begins to be violent automatically.
That is why a certain very deep phenomenon, a great riddle of history, can be solved whenever a society is affluent: when the problem of food and hunger is solved, a society begins to be sexually free. Only poor societies can be sexually suppressive. Whenever a society is affluent, rich you cannot suppress sex – because the food problem has become solved. Much energy is released, so what to do with it? So an affluent society will become sexually free.
An affluent society means a society which has progressed much technologically. And whenever any civilization comes to a point of affluence, sexual freedom is bound to be there, and then any less developed society can win over this higher civilized society. So this has always been the history: a greater civilization will always be defeated by a barbaric, uncivilized society.
India was defeated continuously because of its affluence. Tartars, Berbers, Huns, Moghuls, Turks, they were all uncivilized societies – poor, poverty-stricken, sexually suppressed. They had much violence in them. You can see this in a modern phenomenon: in Vietnam. Americans can never win. Their youth is sexually free, and they are less violent. Thus, they cannot win in Vietnam. No affluent society can really win over any poor society. They may fight for longer periods, but they cannot win. They can kill a whole country, but they cannot win because the very fighting spirit is not there.
Landmark U.S. priest abuse trial begins (2012)
America is today one of the most sexually free societies in all history. America cannot fight; fighting is part of a suppressed sex. The inner fever must be accumulated in such quantities that you begin to be violent. Suppress sex, and you will be violent. That is why so-called saints are very violent in their behaviour. They are angry, violent, because of suppressed sex. That fever has to be released in some way.
In sex you are releasing a particular amount of energy. They say that in one sex act you release 120 calories of heat – 120 calories! It is the same if you run fast for one mile. Then you will release the same amount of calories – 120. That is why there is much talk about whether sex can help heart disease. It can help! It releases energy. For persons who are well fed, it helps to delay heart disease. It releases energy, but it is not a solution. It is just a temporary arrangement. It just creates a leakage in your system from which energy is released.
Any day that you are angry your whole body is heated. It becomes feverish. The center releases anger: energy comes to the periphery. Ordinarily it is cold. The periphery is cold ordinarily, and the center is hot. The reverse will be the case when awareness happens to you. When you meditate and go deep within, when you become aware of every activity, everything will take a turn – an about-turn. Your periphery will not go into anger, not go into sex, not go into greed, not go into passion. It will lose its coldness – its sleepy coldness. It will become warm, alive and aware. And because this energy is released to the periphery every twenty-four hours continuously, you will not need any anger or any sex.
A Buddha doesn’t need anger. It is absolutely useless for him because the very energy system has changed. He is using his heat for light and you are using your light for heat. The same fuel can be used to burn your house and the same fuel can be used to light it. The fuel is the same, but the direction changes. The inner fuel, the inner energy, becomes fire – suicidal. It burns you down, and ultimately you are just ashes. In the end, when death comes near you, you are just ashes. Everything is burnt out because you used your energy not as a light, but as a fire.
It becomes fire if it is concentrated in the center and is released only temporarily, whenever it is overflowing. In a sudden shock it comes to the periphery and is released. This is a very chaotic state. You go on accumulating it inside. Then one day it is overflowing and you have to throw it.
We go on rationalizing our actions. When you Get angry you say that someone has made you angry. No, really, it is that you were ready: you were overflowing inside. You do not know this because you were not aware. You were overflowing with a certain amount of energy which was waiting to be released. When someone abuses you, insults you, and you become angry, you think that this person is creating anger in you.
Letting off emotional steam
No, this person is simply giving you a situation and opportunity to release the overflowing energy that has already been accumulated. In a way, he is your friend, a helper. If he is not there you will be in a very difficult situation. If no one is giving you any opportunity to throw your energy, you will project, you will imagine something, and you will get angry with anything at all.
People get angry with their shoes; they will throw them. They can get angry with the door; they become violent with it. They can be angry with everything. When no opportunity is given, they can even become angry with themselves. They will begin to harm themselves or they will create some substitutes.
We have created many. Someone is just smoking: we think it is a simple thing. It is not! Now psychologists say it is a deep violence You take the smoke in and then throw it out, you take the smoke in and then throw it out: it helps to release hunger, violence, sex. We have many, many devices. Persons who are violent will eat more. Just by destroying the food they are releasing violence.
You may not have observed it, but when you are loving you cannot eat much, when you are happy you cannot eat much, when you feel blissful, you cannot eat too much. Ordinarily it should not be so. It looks opposite to what we think should be the case. We think that when one is happy he should eat more. No, a happy person will not eat more. He cannot eat more because eating is part of violence. A happy person is not violent; hence. when you are in love you cannot eat very much.
Two persons, when in love, unmarried, will not eat much. But when married they will begin to eat more because love has disappeared. Now it is a violence, and it is related with many deep things. In animals violence is expressed through teeth, and we are related to animals. When one animal is violent, angry, the energy comes to the teeth and to the nails. These are the instruments for being violent for an animal.
Red-stained teeth & gums from chewing betel nut paan.
But, still, the same happens with us. When you are violent, your teeth, your fingers, your nails, are filled with heat, with energy. Now you have to release it. You can eat, you can use gum, you can smoke, you can take Paan (a leaf preparation in India which is chewed), because you need something to crush. So there are people who are the whole day crushing pan. Their violence is thus released.
Even by continuously talking, violence is released. Women talk more than men because men can be violent in other ways while women cannot be. That is the only reason. They talk more! They talk continuously, they talk madly, because man has other possibilities for expressing violence – in the office, with the car, etc. Have you observed a man who is angry driving his car? He is releasing his anger through the accelerator. The car will speed up. He is releasing anger, and the car is just a medium. Fifty percent of car accidents are not because of cars but because of drivers. not because of traffic but because of mental tension.
But women cannot release anger in so many ways. They have only one: going on talking. By their doing something with the teeth and the lips, much is released. A woman who is angry will break more saucers, more cups, unknowingly. She will be surprised why today everything is just breaking. It is the unconscious mind. Energy is in the hands. The energy wants to destroy something. So it is good to have breakable things in the house. It helps! Then before the husband is back, the wife is released. If you make everything unbreakable, it will break families. Breakable things help families to continue. Now these are proven facts.
If you have energy in the center which is feverish, not transferred to the periphery, not used as light for the whole body and for your whole being, this is bound to happen. Every day you will accumulate energy, and then you will have to throw it. And this is nonsense! For the whole life you are doing this: accumulating. throwing; accumulating, throwing. What are you doing twenty-four hours a day? Just accumulating energy to throw it. Then when energy is there, the only problem is how to throw it. So we throw it into sex, into anger, into greed. When energy is thrown, then the only problem is how to accumulate it, again & again & again.
What sort of life is this? A vicious circle!