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Re: Die-off symptoms? What's going on with my body
yeon Views: 729
Published: 7 y
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Re: Die-off symptoms? What's going on with my body

They are complex of several. Fungi + parasites. Antibiotics alone didn't work for me either. Although I know bacteria somewhat play role with this. But my symptoms reduced about 80% when taking Terbinafine and fluconazole for 6 months. Fluconazole alone , Nystatin were not effective. Several people mentioned that while on antifungal they started to pass parasties and candida in their stool - better than some antiparasitic meds alone. You have to stay at least for 3 months to see the effectiveness. The thing is it gets resistance after that. It will not solve completely unless you are parasites free. If you have candida and parasites altogether, deal with parasites first then later take antifungals abx along with herbs.


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