Hi,i have spent the last ten years trying to get rid of candida effectively and if you really want to succeed you will probably have to use coconut oil when cooking and try to eat at least two tablespoons a day, completely cut out
Sugar for quite a while, do twice weekly
coffee enemas and buy a portable infrared sauna. I also take a peppermint oil capsule, oregano capsules sometimes, take pau darco sometimes, i make my own kefir and drink this every day which is great at fighting candida, i eat lots of vegetables, quinoa, lentils, and only a small amount of fruit such as blueberries, raspberries, i eat lots of green salad, onions, and garlic at least four times a week but the more the better to encourage good gut bacteria. I will also add miso, chicory, turmeric, cinnamon, fresh and dried herbs whenever possible to the meals i eat. If you want to be determined then alcohol is a no-no for quite a while. Often the die off symptoms like flu like symptoms,tinnitus, dribbling at night in bed, lethargy, anxiety,
Sugar cravings, stomach issues, bloating and diarrhoea all get worse as the
parasites and fungi die off but if you stick with it...good health can return. i can vouch for that! There are also lots of other things that have helped me also but the ones mentioned along with a parasitic type cleanse with herbs such as
Wormwood , cloves etc are definately the main ones which have helped me....oh and exercise....oxygenate the blood system as often as possible...hope this helps.