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Re: Die-off symptoms? What's going on with my body
Carty3 Views: 822
Published: 7 y
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Re: Die-off symptoms? What's going on with my body

I have the same issues with systemic whipple's disease the bacteria attacks your nerves and nervous system and destroys them which in turn is giving you the burning nerve pain in your body and lack of feeling in your legs and feet. I had the burning nerve pain through my entire body including my head and brain. I'm still trying to find relief and a cure but everything I try doesn't work or causes another problem for me. Antibiotics didn't do anything for me this infection just laughed at the Bactrim ds I was taking. I wish I could have stuck with the Turpentine protocol but that caused me issues as well and over stimulated my already hyperactive nervous system. Worst thing I've ever experienced in my life.


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