I have the same problem. It is definitetly your diet. What helped me was, i stopped the fried foods and sweets for a while. I first strengthen my immune system to help fight those bacteria and paraites.Then i did a colon cleanser, then a colonic(when they clean out your colon with warm water and peroxide. Your odor will get worse for a while. Just double up on probiotic30-50 billions. Take B12, zinc up to 400mg daily, magnesium 1000mg, niacin 1500 daily, the flush kind, your body will turn hot for a while. Take 500mg 3 times a day. Niacin cleans your body, the skin, etc..Then i took wormwood/black walnut, follow the instruction on bottle. Take it for 2 weeks. and 30-50 billions or more of probiotic. A week later. Then i took castor oil for one day. Then next day i took Neem capsules and olive leaf. Then, i took charcoal pills. Dont take all i mentioned at one time. Everytime i smell myself i load up on the probitic. So far, 80% of my bo is gone. Oh yeah, take chloriophll tablets.i hope this help you.