Hi Carty3...If you have Whipple's disease then you should initially perhaps take a teaspoon of turpentine together with coconut oil or castor oil on a daily basis. The protocol I recommend is here. Whipple's disease is caused by bacteria that resides deep in the intestinal tract. Using turpentine with an oil like castor oil will help to keep the turpentine from being absorbed into the blood -- so that the turps will primarily act to kill the bad bacteria in your gut. You should also expect a Herx reaction initially. If the Herx is awful just reduce the turps dosage -- but don't stop the protocol!.
After you have cleared the bad bacteria from your intestines you should then switch your protocol to taking the turps on an empty stomach wth one tblsp of raw honey or with blackstrap molasses or with a tspn of sugar. Take this on an empty stomach so the turps is rapidly absorbed from the stomach into the blood. This will help you to clear any residual bad bacteria from the blood, tissues and organs. Good luck!!