Hi... I will try to answer all of your questions in your original posting about using turpentine. I want to make sure that you are aware of something that is very important first. I never have and never will ingest
Turpentine that is meant for being a paint thinner which has added chemicals I did purchase mine from the diamond people in the southern USA, I think it might've been Georgia. They have no other chemicals but pure organic pine tree resin. I did come across a YouTube story where this guy did ingest
Turpentine from Walmart, he still felt it was successful in helping him pass a few worms, and he survive just fine apparently, but my impression is that he felt sicker than I ever did. However, a lot of symptoms or die off symptoms, and everybody has a different biology. Unless you swallow half a gallon or more of
Turpentine in a day, I don't think you're going to die at all. I certainly would not worry about that. I would also not even worry about this fire hazard that you mentioned, my heart goes out to you and I myself have anxiety with many things, so I truly sympathize. Unless you were planning to store the turpentine next to a fireplace or stove, I wouldn't even give it a second thought. My glass bottle sat out for a month in daylight on top of my kitchen counter 6 feet away from my stove, and nothing happened. I hope that reassures you.
There is probably a method you could use to get around the whole shipping issue. You can look in the northern United States, make some phone calls and ask them if they would be willing to forward the package to you in Canada. Just pay rent for three months of a private mailbox in the United States, and explain to them that you will be moving there soon but need to wait on A roommate situation or something to that effect. It is only turpentine, it is not gasoline, it is not some kind of controlled substance or drug, although you can always Google Canadian law about turpentine, or even ask a pharmacist there if it is legal to buy in Canada. Maybe you can even try buying it somewhere in Canada, I'm surprised they don't have it there. It is not a big deal at all. Truly.
1. I used a large metal tablespoon, rinse it off with warm water and soap and dried it off with a paper towel and threw it away. There's nothing wrong with using plastic silverware either. It didn't make any bit of difference for me or my safety at all. There is no special clean up.
2. The aroma is pretty minimal, I did not open any windows and it dissipated within minutes. I actually liked smelling it, because I knew that that little bit of inhaling it also goes directly to my bloodstream which can kill off tiny little
parasites possibly. It made me happy.
3. Easy, wipe off with a paper towel, you can even use your bare fingers. Again no special method or anything.
4. I would only stored indoors, especially since it's winter and I believe that room temperature is much better to keep the turpentine most effective. Very cold temperatures may or may not affect it, I'm not sure. I think it's OK if you put it in the refrigerator, but not outside in the snow, or in the freezer, I'm sure that freezer would minimize positive benefits. Or you could just let it warm up, but again that might change the molecular composition to unfreeze it.
5. I hope I'm remembering your number questions correctly. The only thing that I would be careful of is to not spill it on your clothes if you plan on standing above the stove that is cooking something. That or starting a fire in your fireplace wearing the same clothing if you drop turpentine on it. That's all I can think of. Otherwise I really would not worry. People have used it for hundreds of years that made it themselves using Pinetrees. It has been around for centuries.
6. I think I answered this question in my first paragraph about temporarily renting a private mailbox that is willing to forward mail to Canada. I had to get a private mailbox because I had to get away from the scary dangerous ex boyfriend that was a psycho. Anyway It is perfectly legal but different mailbox places might require that you show up there in person with ID, other may not be so strict and may just ask that you fax your ID copy, or something like that. It all depends on the personality of the owner. You can also Google mail forwarding mailboxes United States, and probably come up with a lot of phone numbers to call.
I drank 2 full tablespoons a day ( on an empty stomach each time, although it probably doesn't matter that much ) for 3 days mixed with honey. I did not like the idea of the raw sugar, although I tried it one time. I felt that the regular over-the-counter honey work even better than the
Sugar I think because it is tastier even for the worms. It might be better if you go to a health food store and buy organic honey, or even Manuka honey which is also antibacterial. However, I would not be so worried because I used regular cheap honey and it worked great. I've also done turpentine a total of three times now, three days in a row basically the last two rounds, with all three rounds taken within six weeks time. I am definitely not dead! I passed a whole lot of disgusting creatures and very glad that I got rid of them. It is very possible even likely that I still have more
parasites that I'm not aware of, I don't know that there's anyway someone can be 100 percent sure.
I have also started taking
Lugol's Iodine liquid, five drops in the morning and five drops in the evening with plain water. I read that it can kill worm cysts in the stomach and in the blood. I am new about learning
Iodine benefits, but I like the energy it gives me and my body seems to be liking it. That's just a side thought. The more I learn about
parasites the more I just want to incorporate things in my regular diet to help maintain lesser numbers, or maybe eventually illuminate all of them. But doing absolutely nothing is not going to help.
So that is 6 huge tablespoons of turpentine in three days, and when I had some die off symptoms like a minor headache and on some nausea and definitely some: activity, all I did was poop the bastards out of me. I felt great!
Forget the fire hazard, again unless you're standing next to a hot stove or making a fire in your fireplace, again forget about the other worries. I would try it. It's pretty amazing stuff. Totally worth it. And there's nothing wrong with you starting out the first day only trying half a teaspoon of turpentine and the other half of honey and just see how you feel. Then go from there. I don't think a few drops will do very much though. I would go for the half a teaspoon or tablespoon, so you can see how your body really will react. They also say that even breathing in turpentine can kill off bacteria in your lungs and your blood. I'm not saying that it's going to get everything 100 percent in one day or anything, but it can only do good for you as long as you don't do it for more than four days maximum five days in a row, then give your body a break for at least 2 weeks.
I started getting very picky about who's story experience with turpentine I chose to ultimately imitate. There was a lady on YouTube that the turpentine for a week seven days in a row, and she did not die, she was actually very happy and even showed videos of what came out in her toilet. I think she had the same amount 2 tablespoons a day and she completely survived and in fact started getting better.
Unless you were taking ivermectin, which is a potentially very serious do you warmer and could cause scattering, I would totally go for it with other methods like turpentine. Especially if the
parasite infestation is not getting any better, or possibly getting worse. You need something that will kick these bastards really hard And start diminishing their numbers. I think it is totally worth it. Don't be afraid of turpentine.
I hope that helps you. Best wishes.