Re: Please help me completely get rid of BRAIN PARASITES
Yes to
Turpentine question. i tried it--turpentine in small
Sugar cubes. It was easy to take. Seems to clean your head instantly. Perhaps it wipes out all kinds of beneficial microbes though--I have no idea. I do know that taking too many anti
parasite herbs (neem, barberry, clove, thyme, oregano, etc) has ill effects on me--it's like too much good stuff dies off. I'm doing diatomaceous earth (for 10 days so far) and feel
parasites exiting in crawly icky droves, but have to say that I also feel draggy & joyless. After 2 weeks I'm going to go off it and focus on the beneficial microbes, kombucha, yogurt & bragg's vinegar. I stopped the oregano/thyme for now, still doing cloves & barberry, turmeric and pepper, cider vinegar & yogurt for good microbes. Nothing has worked so well as this diatomaceous earth so far--if you use it, get food grade and drink tons of water & expect bowel movements about 4-5 times a day. I'd definitely try that before turpentine, which basically is like taking strong
Antibiotics --not great for your brain!