ANYONE WHO THINKS THEY HAVE PARASITES. let me save you some time and read this story.
Wherever you are in the world, I can probably guess you haven't had much help with this in the Western Medical System. If you think you have parasites, believe yourself because if you don't the longer you will continue to suffer. I am close to dying because of relying on Western Medical System to believe me but they don't ever want to look into it or help. They get paid either way, so the attitude is get the patients in and out quickly. Tests are expensive for them and follow up is more work. I have had success in looking into the EASTERN medicine system. Many indigenous, tribal and community healer have been using remedies for thousands of years. Now of course you still have to be careful with natural medicines and tinctures but they are powerful and if you get the right combination to properly get rid of them for good. There are
parasites going around now that normally shouldn't be in the human system but because of our environmental destruction and climate crisis. First thing I would say is if you are looking for a quick fix and to go back to your old lifestyle, it won't work. This is an entire process that must be taken seriously and COMMITTED too fully. We often believe we can just take a pill and not change our ways. If you have been suffering from this as long as I have, there is a lot of other work that you have to make sure you are ready for. This is a life change, but once you get used to it, it's natural and doesn't seem so hard.
Tinctures needed
Wormwood , Cloves and
Black-Walnut , Hulls THIS IS BECAUSE OF THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLES ancestors and their commitment to living simply, despite our desire for luxury, consumption and ME ME ME. IF you simply use aboriginal medicines and don't do anything to help them, you are NOT recognizing the higher reason for you illness here. WE ARE SICK BECAUSE OF THE WAY WE LIVE AND WHAT WE ARE DOING TO THE ENVIRONMENT.
parasites are on the rise with fish farms, contamination water ways, hotter summers (more disease) our constant need for pesticides and chemicals that KILL THE NATURAL MECHANISMS OF OUR ENVIRONMENT THAT NATURALLY filter and protect us from these kinds of aliments. We ruined the lives of indigenous peoples in all parts of the world, said their methods were stupid, destroyed the natural ecosystem only to find out. SHIT WE NEEDED THEM AND WE NEEDED the environment.
Eating meat that is not local,
Antibiotic and hormone free and pasture feed is a high risk. Many samples in stores have been tested with parasites, heavy metals toxins and harmful bacteria. Some Asian countries won't sell this fish to their own people but instead sell it to Western countries like the US and Canada because there isn't much regulation or investigation into where your food is coming from.
Secondly, If you are using a crutch such as smoking, drinking too much, drugs or overeating, this also needs to be addressed AT THE SAME TIME. There is a mental application that is involved with properly rid yourself of these things.
This part if just non-negotiable if you truly want to get better and to stay better and not have this happen to you again. Your diet HAS TO change. Most people's diet in the Western world is filled with heavy dairy, sugar, fat, oil, salt, too much meat and unhealthy grains. This might sound very overwhelming right now and you might try and get away with not doing this part. IT WONT HELP YOU. trust me. In addition to the tinctures you MUST take this as a sign that you need to change your relationship with food and whatever you put into your body. It's gunna be tough especially if
parasites are calling the shots right now because they are going to crave
Sugar like crazy. I was never like that until I had these and they were almost controlling what my body "thought" it needed. It's because they re trying to survive in your body so they want to feed themselves NOT WHATS BEST FOR YOU. It's a fight, it's tough but the craving do go away if you don't give in. But if you do, you'll have to get off
Sugar all over again. Also, this is hard because Western foods have
Sugar IN EVERYTHING. Why do we need sugar in tomato sauce? It's actually so good without it. Also chips don't need sugar, this is on purpose. Companies use sugar to keep you hooked on their food, think of it like a drug that way. It causes inflammation among a ton of other things. You body won't like it, you might feel like a rabbit switching to plant based BUT BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY THIS IS TEMPORARY. I know you won't believe this but your body will start to crave healthy food after you commit to this lifestyles. And no not just salads. There is so many amazing chefs doing dairy free, gluten free or vegetarian meals, you just have to google search your local area for "plant-based" cafes or restaurants. Food blogs have tons of cooking ideas. It's about how it's cooked and what you cook with. Ex: raw carrots are good but garlic roasted carrots with salt and coconut oil, it's good! Smoothies, can be substituted with other things to make them taste good. You must add garlic, pumpkin seeds and parasitic foods to your diet, because while the tinctures may work and you feel better after taking them 3x a day for a few months, they have built a home inside of you. You have to rebuild your immune system, your gut lining, and your inside have to remain inhospitable for awhile and then you have to continue a regular cleansing and HIGH immunity diet always from now on. Not just for parasites but there is
Antibiotic resistant disease on the rise, this extends to all areas and people. We are all at risk, ALL THE TIME NOW, because we have created this world we are in. To get yourself out of this world you'll have to really mean it and to commit to another way of living. We are all getting sick, people are dying so young from cancer and other disease. The way we treat the environment and the food systems we depend on translates to how we treat our bodies. Tumeric, Organic Lemon water, Ginger, Wheatgrass, there are tons of food that help your body. FOOD IS MEDICINE, it's each of our responsibility to take care of ourselves, but that involves not getting sucked into the advertising of sugar cereals and take out foods. Cooking healthy, local, non pesticide foods. It can be a process, you don't have to cut out everything all at once, but just make sure you follow through. Remember the parasites want to live just as much as you do, they won't go without a fight and so your body now has to be it's own defence, along with adding the parasitic tinctures, continuing even a month after you "feel better" they like to trick you into not taking it and they reproduce again and again. You also have to make sure to clean with vinegar or strong lemon, they can live outside the body, seemingly awhile, i've noticed. Also you could have been contaminating people around you, so if you don't want to get re infected have these people also take the tinctures and talk to them about high immunity foods and your process! This could save lives!