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Re: Treating parasites with hydrogen peroxide
Used2bmor Views: 9,249
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Re: Treating parasites with hydrogen peroxide

I read your post about electrical impulses. My alarm system was not activated. I was walking past the alarm panel today and the panel announced "alarm activated". I also have experiences with perfectly new vacuum handles shocking me. I have always had hyperhydrosis, I can drop puddles on to the floor from my hands alone, and thought that sweaty hands was the issue. I seem to feel the electrical pulsing from standing near power lines, when nobody with me feels anything. I can stand near a lamp with a lightbulb and the bulb goes bad. I shock myself at the grocery store while pushing the basket all the time. I don't have any hair to hold static. I pass the tv and it goes spacey while I cross in front of it. I have plugged different things into a plug and had the plug pop and turn black. Not work anymore. In my bathroom and bedroom (only, where I spend my time) the circuit breaker constantly flips over. Nothing is plugged in. Do you believe this could have any connection to parasites? Types of illnesses, fibromyalgia, hypothyroid, inability to process manmade estrogen or Depression and the lack of medication being helpful? I also usually have the direct opposite or unusual reactions to all sorts of medications. Oh, and I constantly have to replace alternators in any vehicle I drive. I am sure there are more examples, my mind is racing thinking about the possibility any of my weirdness can be blamed on the parasites I know I have! On another subject briefly, do you think parasites can communicate with one another? I wear a stocking under my wig because I shave my head. When I put the used stocking in the bathtub under hot running water the stocking wildly swims around, purposely darting , ducking or turning completely around in direction. The stocking will be totally flat and when the hot water hits it the stocking twists itself tightly, gets quickly away from the direction of the flow of water and untwists. The stocking can bend in half and "sit" up. You can see objects wildly thrashing in the stocking, it dips, goes under and over itself and in the sink, the stocking desperately triying to fit into the drainage sink holes at the top of the sink bowl. When I have two or more stockings together they seem to protect each other. I know it sounds crazy but I have videos. Any thoughts?


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