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Treating parasites with hydrogen peroxide
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Treating parasites with hydrogen peroxide

Long parasite story here. Came back from China in 2010, suspecting I had contracted a parasite: creepy, itchy, hard knot feeling behind my belly button and lower intestines. Tried a homeopathic cure for a while, didn't really do anything, kind of got used to having the parasite. Didn't cause too much noticeable trouble, just occasional squirmy feeling and pain.
Then in 2015, went to Mexico, stepped on something sharp, and watched it burrow into my foot. Thousands of little black threads appeared just under my skin, then disappeared. Total body creepy crawling feelings, it was out of control. Came home and tried to deal with it for several months on my own, until it became completely unbearable. Could feel them in my sinuses, tapping in my ears at night, back of my skull, horrible.
Have spent the last year seeing an acupuncturist and taking Chinese herbs and tinctures. I've taken heroic amount of Wormwood blends! Had to stop doing acupuncture because it was too expensive, and I had beaten them back to a tolerable level. Last week they started to flare up again in my head and sinuses, making me feel dizzy and unable to concentrate. Did some new searching and found some stories of food grade hydrogen peroxide being used for parasites. Bought some 3% last Tuesday, and started with 5 drops three times a day.
By Friday, my sinuses were congested and starting to blow out a bunch of snot. Yesterday, woke up with a super congested chest, and coughed up dark phlegm. Energy was up and down. As of today, I've worked my way up to 12 drops 3X a day, and saw small, flat, black objects and one sinewy piece of what might be a worm in my bowel movement.
My head feels much more clear, and my energy and emotional level are notably better than a week ago. Will continue the hydrogen peroxide dose up to 25 drops 3X a day.
Just thought I'd share to hear if anyone else has had success and I'll share my journey in the hopes that it might help someone else. parasites are a miserable experience!


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