Re: sufferers of TMAU?
Hello Lisa,,, I am a single mother of two boys.. I too was in the medical field,, medical admin for six years. These last four years of my life have been hell. I was fired from three different jobs..Sited for causing a hostile work environment each time I spoke about my co-workers harassing me,,Made to move from four different apartments because of the harrasment of the maintenance workers,,and to top it all off dealing with school teachers and therapists due to my son's condition... The looks and sly remarks I received once at the school is enough to make you want to break down and cry on-site.TMAU is a disorder no one should have to live with. Our only refuge at this time is to tighten your straps and deal with it. You will have to grow tough skin to deal with the constant comments,,' who brought in a skunk',, ' someone needs to take out the trash',, wow someone forgot to shower',, well you get the picture. You will have to do your own research, to try and come up with a mixture of whatever you can to clear your scent away.. Four years of funny diets,, this vitamin,, that probiotic,, yogurt on your tampons,, bathe in vinegar,, bathe in peroxide,, bathe in bleach,, laxatives,, drink this not that.. It's heart wrenching to say the least,, but you have to keep moving forward.