Re: Insane stuck throat feeling for months now. Help needed on figuring it out!
Thanks JT,
I think we did a small miscalculation though. The multivitamin contains 5000IU of vitamin A (2000IU = retinol and 3000IU = carotene). One top of that (lately) I added the Cod Liver Oil which contains another 3000IU of retinol. That would put the total amount at 5000IU of retinol and 3000 carotene = 8000IU total (and of that grandtotal 8000IU, it's assumingly 2k synthethic retinol and 3k natural retinol because of the cod liver oil, and the rest is carotene).
I don't have headaches and other sorts of problems BUT in the past, I did had some trouble focusing and was a bit dizzy/drowsy. I decided to stop the cod liver oil back then, but it might aswell been the
Iodine because of the heavy detox. I am so glad my skin cleared up, because I actually found out (by accident) that the only thing I changed the past couple of days was the added cod liver oil, which resulted in cleared skin right now.
And as for the thyroid, I even dare to go as far that the "stuck" feeling I was having from back then, suddenly got less also the past days. I don't know why, but it just has to be the "extra" vitamin A. For now, let's assume it's not or that it may be a possibility of resolving the stuck feeling in the thyroid. Let's find out in a couple of weeks/months.
Many thanks again JT,
From the Netherlands (Insomnia)