Megadosing of
Iodine can be extraordinarily dangerous. The two Natural Doctors that I know, personally, (Food Is Medicine) will tell you and anyone else who asks that a balanced diet should generally provide enough
Iodine for anyone's physiology. There are dangers to overdosing on anything: iron, Vit C, Vit D, etc. And, the dangers are not mild or negligible. Some of the damages to overdosing can be permanent and, in rare cases, even fatal.
There was a time when it seemed that the iodoine approach was a cure-all, but there was no long term evidence to support megadosing of anything, let alone iodine. Unless we are trained practitioners, it would be very wise to yield to the experts on these approaches. There have been more people who have discovered that they cannot tolerate these dangerous levels of
Iodine which can react with other elements to generate metallic attributes.
You see, anyone can read reports or books by "specialists" that claim all sorts of things and they suddenly become experts, themselves. It happens in finances, medicine, holistic approaches, herbalist practices, and economy. Just because someone makes a claim does not make that person an expert.