Re: Another vicitm
Hey John,
you words ring so true with me that you wont be 100% happy till E.C is gone. You have to accept the fact that u may never be able to get back to happy, free place you were before E.C. It takes much more out of you mentally that physically and that is where the real battle is being fought.
Seeking phycological help can be very beneficial and if it makes you feel any better about you mental state i suffered a psychotic episode bought out of the stress, anxiety and paranoia E.C caused me when i 1st got it.
I always thought that once this f***ing thing is gone, my mental state would come back very quickly. I never really thought having a better mental outlook, capacity to handle E.C was worth much investment as its the physical problem that causes the mental one.
Even so, recently i started to understand that keeping stress levels, sleep patterns, anxiety and feeling on edge the whole f***ing time at bay, makes a huge difference in reducing the physical problems.
There lots of evidence of ways imbalances in the body can effect you mentally as well as vice versa, so starting to feel more positive about E.C will benefit your other symptoms.
The best advice i can give you is to start taking measures against E.C There are so many things online and on this forum about how to fight this thing and whatever the cause of ure E.C, we all have varying degrees of the same condition, so i cant hurt to try where others have had success.
(I do not recommend the leave alone methods - f*** that shit for a laugh)
Some suggestions
Chewing Garlic,
Brush tongue with legit
Sea Salt
Gargle legit
Sea Salt ,
Apple cider vinegar/honey drink at night
Digestive enzymes
Epsom Salt Soak
More anti fungal/ antioxident foods/ fiber - less unnatural sugars, carbs
grapeseed oil extract.
try some new/ as natural as possible lips solves/balms. i Use Aloe Dent - multi action Aloe Vera and swear by it but everyone has one they prefer.
Aquaphor is good but is very thick on the lips and for me personally dries out way too quickly.
Hope this helps
All the best