Hi I have had this for my whole life!!!!!!
On my feet for 8 years! My arms.
Now in my adult like it's on my lips /: and under my wrist. I have been to so so many drs and nothing works...... what a waste of $$$$$$
Best thing you can do:
I use tooth paste kids by pro namel and I put Vaseline on it every time! Before I brush!!!
Everyone I clean the house or do the kitchen I use vAseline and gloves. I only use burts bees lip stick and face soap. Very clean line!
I use Vaseline every time I shower too
Do not itch! It will spread on your body
The BEACH is amazing !!! The salt helps so much. So now I use epsem salt in my bath every time. There is no cure!!!! You have to life a different Healthy life style ! You can't give up
Or it still get worst !