I guess its just a test to be patient with. Ultimately I don't think we will ever unravel all the mysteries of the human body. I also think that more study into the mind-body connection is needed. We need to find out how our thoughts can be maintaining factors for illness. I do try as hard as I can to mentally 'release' negativity - which in a world like ours today can be hard (despite being blessed with a wonderful life and surrounds/family who are nurturing, beyond my little peace bubble the world is tumultuous)...
I guess its patience and positive prayer (or thinking) that can be a big difference.
I supposed despite no autolysation and a huge amount of muscle atrophy I just have to not let any of it debilitate me and just keep on keeping on.
Shorter fasts of like 10-12 days or a brief mono-diet (coconut/pineapple/watermelon) are all great cleanses and rest for the body and have much benefit - other than the allusive autolysation.
Its no as hard on the body either.