Hello all I have recently cured my fbo. I had tried everything possible I found on the Internet up until now and nothing has worked. I had FBO for the last 3 years and spent countless hours searching the Internet for a cure with no success. FBO is a real issue that doctors do not recognize and did nothing to help me with. FBO has caused me severe depression and anxiety no need to explain I'm sure you all know what that's about the who farted and it smells like shit in here. About 3 years ago I stopped taking a drug called rebreprozal which is a PPI proton pump inhibitors that I took for GERD gastrointestinal reflux disease. This is when it all began. And I could not figure out why this FBO was happening to me for the life of me. I recently started taking the rebreprozal again as I have very bad acid reflux. Presto no more FBO and I have my sense of smell back and my energy levels have gone back to normal. During this 3 year period I had no energy whatsoever. My sense of smell was very distorted and i would get ocasionl smells of fart especially when around humidity. For the longest time i didnt realize it was coming from me. It wasnt until i endured many many comments from other people did i come to the realization the smell was coming from me. What I think was happening was that I had to much acid in my stomach which was causing food to putrify in my stomach causing the horrible FBO. I am now cured and would not wish FBO on my worst enemy. I felt it was very important to share this with the rest of the world because the debilitating problem caused me so much pain. And if it helps just 1 person than I am very happy. I will not promise that this is the cure all for everyone but it sure worked for me. I wish everyone success and happiness and remember FBO is just a stupid problem, you are all still very great people and have alot to live for. Feel free to ask me any questions.