I'm not sure you should start with moxidectin. The die off may be overwhelming. I would use ivermectin to start. Then add the fenbendazole and doxycycline. This leaves your system a lot faster than moxidectin in case you have a bad reaction. Moxidectin is very powerful and stays in your body for a month. If your coughing up bloody worms then they are a worm that consumes blood. Ascaris does not consume blood. hookworms whip worms and a few lesser known worms do. Get milk thistle to help your liver and take amino acids such as l arginine, l ornithine and l glutamine to support detox pathways while you are killing parasites. They emerge alive sometimes. I am not sure at what stage the free living worms are infective. spray everything with alcohol and wipe the toilet seat with it after each use. You can use these meds on your dogs also. If you have collies you cant use mectins of any kind.