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Mini Healthy Living Considerations
vairagi Views: 1,193
Published: 9 y
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Mini Healthy Living Considerations

If you are going to boil drinking water, a good idea would be to structure it in some way afterwards(anything is better than nothing, cause doing nothing to boiled water allows it to be, perhaps, worse than nothing in many ways).  Whether by submitting it to some magnetism or movement like a vortex or by bubbling it with an aquarium pump or by letting it sit in sunlight for a day, or playing music into it or following Emoto's incredable experiences using words of meaning written/taped onto the container and letting their meanings soak thru.(btw raising PH (tho I know little about using baking soda for this) is a great idea, especially when we realize that PH is a measure of Voltage. So adding Voltage to our system in any and every way (electrical health devices, earthing, sunshine, FRESHly squeezed hydrogen ion filled juices, can only assist them in doing what they are trying to do (out with the old and in with the new). (and while Im at it, as if you didn't have enough coming your way, Dr. Batmanghelidj's work and  protocol discovered while imprisoned in Iran, detailed in his book, Our Bodies Many Cries for Water, is an idea for anyone suffering thru unfullfiled medical treatments, especially elimination or processing(kidney) systems challanges).

Our body is 20% fats (in the cell membrane, it functions as the battery), which need replenishing with to stay at it's peak. And it is important to ingest these fats in the correct ratio of different types. Fats are an important diet requirement especially if we are trying to accomplish something physical or mental. (as even the media reports now, tho many MDs are still in the dark about, the original Saturated Fats and Cholersterol are bad science, was faulty and disproven many years ago. Cholesterol fat is a much needed component and limiting it by diet or with medicines has a negative affect on our health).

Complete foods are an easy way to go to accomplish this correct fat ratio need, as well as much of our supplementing. Complete foods like unpasteurized dairy. (anti diary thinking is either based on experiences of pasteurization not being correctly accounted for, or knee jerk reactions being passed down thru the, supposed, health community, without any real analysis having been done).
Coffee may cause a minimal (depending on the amount consumed of course) bit of dehydrating, but that can be over ridden a by increasing water intake, so I cant see how that's any kind of make or break, serious issue. Instant? I would still put that behind anything which had the residue of ROUNDUP, from agri biz use, like the non certified "O" wheat products. Little by little.
After all you are adding gets into your routine, consider the importance of MSM, nutritional sulfur(essential and powerfully health promoting), and the role it plays on it's own (scavenging waste, chelating and promoting healthy processing function). As well as the role it plays with SUNLIGHT, in our bodies producing energy.

from Dr Stepth Seneff's research on Sulfur and Water
"With 99 percent of our molecules being water, it’s surprising that we don’t just collapse into a puddle! ----the main reason our tissues are not liquid is that nearly all the water is maintained in a gelled state by --- kosmotropes". (these "K" units are our cells fluid; H3O+, water molecules, our body processed redesign of H2O.)

As Seneff notes, “. . . the one big exception to this model is the blood. The blood that courses through our veins is definitely a liquid, and if it were to become gelled it would lead to a no-flow situation and a major catastrophe. This, to me, is the key reason why all these biologically active molecules travel through the blood stream in a sulfated form.” (and for those who followed the CZ forum threads on AG+ (Silver Ions) instability being protected and their being transported in our fluid systems via receptor sited atoms. This is refering to that science on metalloproteins).
"Cholesterol sulfate (Ch-S) is found on blood cell surfaces and can deliver sulfate as needed to other complex membrane molecules, without thickening the blood".

ANNNd: To really assist our system's proper functioning we need to understand how important our GI Tract (and whole body systems) bacteria is, and how it is affected by modern living, (ROUNDUP herbicide being in so many products) such that, Leaky GI and it's implications fit into many ailments and body systems breakdowns. (the MD who discovered Gluten Intolerance now believes the predicament isnt the wheat, it's the missing Intestinal Micro Flora(which cant be adequately replaced by taking probiotics)





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