Step Up
Step Up and take your power back. Create the life you want for yourself and enjoy the process.
Focus on what you want and discipline yourself to continually toss out of your mind what you don't. Also practice good dietary and lifestyle habits.
If you had no limitations, what would you be doing in life? Once you have a good idea of what this is, focus on it like it's already yours. Act like you ready have it and be grateful that you do, and I promise you this....if you do this much more than you dwell on all the things that are or could go wrong, you will obtain joy, no question.
In your self talk say things like..."I love my career as *blank*. Feel it, taste it, touch it, smell it....make it real. This directs your creative force to attract this or better into your life. Don't look at all the things that aren't going right or you will keep attracting more of it. By activley cutting off what you don't want in your thoughts, you stop the cycle of creating these things and then the momentum of that cycle stops and goes in the new direction of where you want to go. Be clear on this new positce direction as not to confuse where you are sterring your ship ;-)
Our thoughts create our life. Create a great one. ;-)