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Re: How much longer?
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Re: How much longer?

I am sure by now you all know the cure for this.

Tea tree oil and a few other oils. here is the research from the national institute of heath.

id scrub with TTO

In the office, after we administered a drop of 0.5% oxybuprocaine (proparacaine), a cotton tip wetted in 50% TTO was used to scrub the lash roots from one end to the other as one stroke. A total of six strokes were applied to each lid. A dry cotton tip was then used to remove excess TTO from the lid margin. Because TTO scrub not only loosened CD but also stimulated Demodex to move out to the skin (see Results), a dry cotton tip was used to remove CD 5 minutes later. After another 5 minutes, the second lid scrub with TTO was applied in the same manner. Following 10 minutes of rest, the third TTO lid scrub was applied. If there was any irritation, the eye was rinsed with non-preserved saline. This office scrub was repeated weekly until the Demodex count reached 0 for two consecutive visits.

Home lid scrub and other instructions

At home, the patient was asked to mix 0.5 ml of TT shampoo with tap water in both middle fingers. With eyes closed, the lids were massaged with a medium pressure for 3–5 minutes. The skin was then rinsed with clean water and dried with a towel. Such home lid scrub was practised twice daily for 1 month and then once daily thereafter. In addition, the patient was also instructed to discard used facial make-up, and wash the hair, the face, nostrils, the external ear and the neck with TT shampoo daily. The bedding and pillow cases were washed with hot water and dried in a heated dryer immediately after the first office scrub, and once a week thereafter. If the spouse also complained of similar eye irritation, the same home lid scrub was also practised.

Statistical analysis

The data were reported as means (SD). and analysed by MicroSoft Excel (MicroSoft, Redmont WA, USA). The data between groups were evaluated by two tailed t test where p<0.05 was considered statistically significant.

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In vitro killing effect

We first surveyed the effect of a number of agents listed in table 1​1 on D folliculorum, and noted that 50% baby shampoo, 100% mineral oil, 75% alcohol, 10% povidone-iodine, or 4% pilocarpine could not kill Demodex in 150 minutes. In contrast, 100% alcohol killed them in 3.9 (SD 1.2) minutes. Because Demodex is frequently trapped in the CD, which consists of cellular debris made of lipids and keratins,1 we also examined whether a pretreatment with such a detergent as 10% SDS or 50% baby shampoo might promote the killing effect of other agents. The results showed that none of these pretreatments for 30 minutes could facilitate the killing by subsequent application of either 10% povidone-iodine or 75% alcohol. In contrast, 100% of TTO, caraway oil or dill weed oil killed these mites in 3.7 (0.8), 4.4 (2.3), and 14.0 (8.3) minutes, respectively. Furthermore, the killing effect of TTO was dose dependent—that is, being 14.8 (9.5), 34.7 (4.3), and 150 minutes for 50%, 25%, and 10% of TTO, respectively (p<0.01); 50% TTO and 10% TTO also exerted a similar killing of D brevis (not shown)


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