Thanks. Yes, the first one looks vata-pitta, although I find the doshas too subtle to categorise without knowing the person.
How much of your diet is raw? I tried 100% raw for about 5 months, but found my body asking for warmth, moisture, softness, so went to 2/3rds raw for another 5 months. Then I did my second 7 day fast, last month, and since then I am eating only one raw meal a day, usually fruit. My body doesn't seem to be drawn to raw vegetables, so I eat cooked vegetables with rice, and at other times some nuts and seeds. I am also drawn to sweet things, which seems a bit crazy given how much I have read about desserts being unhealthy. Let's see where these cravings take me. I'll be cautious about eating dessert or oily food for too long. I don't know how the future will go.