Re: Yes, another "help me ID" but no Dr will even acknowledge the possibility.
Whipworm is trichuris trichiura. According to a textbook I own, heavy infection simulates inflammatory bowel disease in adults. The surface of the colon may be matted with worms. Patients will have bloody or mucoid diarrhea, weight loss and weakness, abdominal pain and tenderness, increased peristalsis and rectal prolapse.
Treatment is mebendazole.
Whipworm is prevalent in the warm, humid climate of the South. It is the third most common intestinal helminth in the US.
Double infections commonly occur with
Ascaris (roundworms) because of the similar method of human infection.
Physical description is: Adult hookworms are small, grayish white nematodes. The anterior end is tapered and curved. The posterior end of the male terminates in a fan shaped copulatory bursa and spiclues. Females are larger than males. The female has a straight and pointed tail and produces 5,000 -10,000 eggs per day. She may live for 14 years.
Infection can also occur with pig or dog whipworms.
End of textbook.
Since you don't have diarrhea, I would suspect other worms or parasites. Since I can't see your picture, I can't help identify what you have. Please repost. Follow the directions for posting images. You have to copy and paste the image address into your post
Start doing enemas. Multiple enemas per day.
colonics are even better. Start taking diatomaceous earth. Food grade only. Start with 1/2 tsp. in water. Work up to 1-2 tbsp./day. This will start killing the
Ascaris worms, which is the most common parasite. Call health food stores to see if you can get the diatomaceous earth locally or order off of Amazon.
Buy some cod liver oil capsules and freeze them. Take about a dozen capsules on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. This may smother some of the worms. The enemas and
colonics will help flush the dead ones out.
Try taking some caster oil also. Drink lots and lots of water.
See my blog on my entire
parasite protocol. Go to blogs, new blogs, #4190. Getting the
parasites out. I didn't have whipworms ( that I know of) but I did have other types of worms.
Good luck. You have to be your own healer and become well educated.
Google Dr. Andreas Kalcker's protocol. See the CDC website too. Search this forum for success stories for worms.
If your constipation and distention get worse, go back to the doctor. You may have so many worms that you are developing a bowel obstruction. That is very serious. Frankly, it sounds serious already. See how soon you can get a
colonic or do an enema. You have to get things moving. Doctors are no longer trained in parasites.