We don't say what the worms are as much as we stress killing them off and getting rid of them and then telling the patient to supply themselves with the best food that they can. It doesn't do much good to know what they are if you are not actively and agressively killong them off and eating and eliminating good. Get on one of Barefoot's dewormer and stay on it. http://www.oldfashionedspices.com The Schulze #1 formula is done to bowel tolerance. Get the LBB from Barefoot. Might s well. How many do YOU need to have at least one BM a day? Take enough to give you diarrhea, then back off one capsule. That may vary, so keep it that way. A coffee enema may help http://www.sawilsons.com for the therapeutic coffee. That will keep your liver open and do the liver flushes.