My head feels clearer when taking more generous doses of vit E while on round.
Your idea of taking 25mg DMSA per round with the ALA seems like a good next step. I hope the dose of ALA is not too generous for this stage of the process.
I would not ditch the 3 hr dosing of ALA anytime soon. You'd be risking your mental health. There are too many disturbing reports in the detox groups from those who did that. Maybe some people are at a higher risk for those problems but I would not want to roll the dice with my health.
It is understandable that the hair test would be different after months of detox. It is like a provoked urine test. If you take DMSA for that you'd expect to see more lead because DMSA is so good at chelating lead.
There are so many factors involved. I think we are looking for leads or clues with a hair test rather than really hard evidence. So many of us in the detox groups have a strangely long list of seemingly unrelated symptoms and a history of clueless doctors who just want to apply band-aids--Big Pharma meds that you often have to take the remainder of your life $$$. So it is reasonable to look for clues about underlying factors(s).