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DEC diethylcarbamazine
Flossy Views: 4,875
Published: 9 y

DEC diethylcarbamazine

I wanted to get an indication of how many people on here have used Diethylcarbamazine.

I started using it about two months ago. I did three rounds of about a week each time with a 7 day break in-between.

Each time I had bumps appear out of nowhere in areas where I have had no mite activity at all.

I believe strongly that DEC makes the immune system dissolve the eggs.

I had one old scar on my waist where there had been no activity for years and the day after I took DEC it started to itch and raise up. The next day it was itching like crazy and very pink. After two more days it had disappeared but I could feel a fibrous bump under the skin. Another two more days and I could not find it at all.

When I looked with a magnifying glass I could see a tiny white track and one tiny dot. But the whole lump that I was sure was a scar had disappeared.

Also a bump came up on my arm, itched and then disappeared and within days there was a dent in the tissue beneath the skin that I could put my fingertip in.

I believe these were pockets of dormant eggs and the DEC made my immune system able to recognise them and dissolve them.

DEC is also used topically to diagnose skin parasites in third world countries. I also works to kill shallow mites & worms but if the infestation is more than a month old, I think systemic use of it is necessary.

DEC is used in Australia to prevent heart worm in dogs and is given daily. It has been for over fifty years.

At present I am taking DEC, Albendazole and Moxidectin every day in an attempt to kill all three stages at once. Egg, 1st and 2nd stage nymph and chitinized adult with developed central nervous system.

I have taken all three separately for months at a time and thought I was cured. But nothing was dealing with the dormant eggs.

I am hoping this is the answer.

Another sufferer has mentioned the need for making the pheromones disguised by taking 6-8 grams of d-limonene per day.

This is worth considering as there is no guarantee that the environment is clear.


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