8 y
It might have been some pathogen you were killing, causing a reaction...
How were you placing the zapper hand holds? And stinging? I've never had stinging from a Clark type zapper. If fact, I usually don't feel a thing.
It might have been some pathogen you were killing, causing a reaction. At most I've felt a fizzle if I'm killing a lot of stuff. Put that in the eye, it might feel more 'stingy'. I zap across my eye area all the time with not one single bad effect, to kill sinus infections in addition to the herbs I use, and when I got a fungal infection there. My eyes are fine.
The pharmaceutical cartel does everything in it's power to make us terrified to do anything health-wise without a doctor's supervision. And makes every little thing into a 'crisis', so we'll run back to their 'doctors' and spend our hard earned cash, supporting fat cat doctors. It's all part of the scam to make the pharmaceutical cartel and their medical minions billions of our dollars.
Parazapper can't say these things because the FDA constrains him and he has to stay focused on warnings, rather than successes.
But then lordcooler often pretends poor english, and could have easily have done a followup reply. It's their job.