Thanks for the reply. I used to introduce one supplement at a time (e.g., digestive enzymes, lactoferrin, etc.) but it seemed to make no difference. One of the reasons I turned away from allopathic medicine is because the notion of a pill for an ill seemed unrealistic. Well, by the same measure, I don't really believe that one or two supplements alone are going to alleviate my symptoms. A lot of supplements also work synergistically (e.g., Vitamin D3 and K2) so you need them in combination with one another to notice any improvement.
The idea of a gut healing protocol makes sense. Reinoculate the gut with good bacteria by taking a quality probiotic. Remove pathogenic bacteria by taking an anti-microbial and bio-film dissolving agents. Support digestion through digestive enzymes. Support the liver and adrenals during the process of detoxification. Rebuild the intestinal mucosal barrier with l-glutamine. I think that's pretty standard for every gut healing program.
How did you check your saliva pH and stomach acid?