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Re: Jesus, Mohammad and corrupted scriptures.
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Re: Jesus, Mohammad and corrupted scriptures.


I will try to correct some of your statements with what I know. I hope you don't mind.

"I dare say that Mohammad really did receive messages from Angels. But he wrote nothing, things could change within oral traditions."
-> You are absolutely correct, Muhammad pbuh did not write anything down. It started as an oral tradition (Angel Gabriel revealed the Quran to Muhammad pbuh). Only later on was the revelation written on manuscripts. And that's the amazing thing about this. Although it was an oral tradition, there is only one version of the Quran. If the message was corrupted, don't you think you would have more than one version of the Quran? Especially considering that the message was conveyed to the entire world pretty much. To me that's a proof of the miracle of the Quran: Whether you go to a mosque in Australia, Africa, Asia, or the US, it's the same exact verses, the same exact Quran.

"The mission of Islam was to spread Science and knowledge."
-> The core message of Islam is: There is only one God. It is considered the last revelation of God. In other words, God sent other prophets before Muhammad with this same core message. (Abraham, Jesus, Moses, and so on. Peace be upon them all)
Now it is true that the Quran contains a lot of scientific facts that were later confirmed to be accurate but the core message is the Oneness of God.

"Mohammad's alleged statements that Christians and Jews are the lowest form of humanity is a clear message of the purposeful corruption of his original message."
-> There is absolutely nothing like that in Islam. In fact, there is a whole chapter dedicated to Mary (pbuh). Also, don't forget that Jesus and Moses are considered prophets in Islam, among others.
You should listen to Malcolm X's interviews about Islam, that will surely help you clear up some misconceptions. Watching Nouman Ali Khan's videos wouldn't be a bad idea either.



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