10 y
Re: PLEASE HELP!! Worms in urine
Don't worry about what kind they are. Just get a zapper and do a
parasite cleanse using Dr' Clark's protocol. It kills every single kind, like a knife and lettuce shredder.
I have 20+ years using that protocol quite successfully, and other than the couple years I didn't zap, but took the herbs, and the stuff I origionally got rid of come back again + 'cancer',
Once I returned to adding the zapper back again, I got rid of those things again. So this is advice from my own experience, not some hypothetical 'medical advice' possibility.
I had to add anti-fungal herbs and ended up getting a fungus specific zapper, but the 'cancer's' totally gone now as well. Pretty easily, actually.
So zapper, herbs, Dr. Clark's protocol (can download her PDF of 'the cure for all disese' right here for free---she wasn't in this for the money) and I'm guessing you'll be rid of these plus many other little monsters you may not know you even have.