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too many drugs, too much reliance on the environment for being in good mood
DesertLili Views: 2,056
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too many drugs, too much reliance on the environment for being in good mood

Hello Nightlark,
... if I did so many pills regularly I would be a wreck. Sorry to be harsh, but you kind of sound like you are having difficulty navigating your body, life and moods.
In my opinion: take time to get off drugs and explain to your partner that there will be such a period of adjustment and he better be supportive, instead of awaiting good mood on your side at that time. Further, your fast is going to bring other challenges and periods of mixed emotions, and if you are not ready to face these, it may be better to do a juice-fast. Juice fast may be a door to later water fast.
Also doing meditation classes or silence retreat, as in vipassana, may help you see trough everyday-life fog and find new solutions for yourself. I believe that the Abraham Hicks materials may also give new spiritual opening to you and/ or your husband.
As Archus pointed out, it does not make sense to continue flooding your system with chemicals while trying to remove them at the same time. Your use of Tylenol ... there are people with serious pain, that endure it, if you can't tolerate a little pain from your activities, as in gym etc, you may not be fit right now to withstand the challenges of a water fast.
I know you are not a man, but please "man up". You need to be able to face the negative side of life without pills in order to achieve physical improvement and emotional/spiritual benefits. This is not a condescending message. I had a friend who acted exactly like you, and I know what I am talking about.
BTW seltzer water irritates the stomach. You may want to switch to lemon water or herbal infused-water or basil/mint/parsley water (that you can even prepare yourself in 2 min). Distilled water is best when fasting, and for many - like you - is super helpful to detox drugs outside of fasting too.
Good luck


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