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Re: Why not tell the doctors?
Flossy Views: 1,424
Published: 10 y
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Re: Why not tell the doctors?

Nobody is making fun of you. You are mis-reading because what is suggested is not what you want to do.

If you are seeking emotional support I can understand that, but you are writing on a forum for medications to Use Against Parasites.

Are you taking a medication for use against parasites yet?

If you are, would you write about it and tell us how you are going and how it is affecting you.

If not, and you are too afraid or helpless to get the meds, then you are in a state where you are not able to help yourself or look after yourself.

Someone needs to take over and look after you.

If your mum is not doing it after all this time, you really do need to ask the medical system for help and accept it with gratitude.

So, that your thinking processes can be sorted out and the fear reduced to a level that you will be able to make decisions and get the medications you need.

None of us will be able to give you the perfect medication to trial first up. So, if that is the hope, I am sorry, it is impossible.

Please just try one. If you can't, please call the hospital and get yourself some inhouse emotional support and medications.

After a week or two I promise you will feel so much stronger and able to decide what you want to trial first up to kill these bastards.

At the very least in hospital you will be fed all day every day. You will be safe.

I know it is hard, but I promise you will not regret it.

No court on earth will punish you as a mother if you go into hospital for not coping. Stay calm and talk calmly and accept the help. Maybe keep a diary.

I hope you can do this. It is for you, I am not being a bossyboots.
Somebody needs to step up and help you. It looks like it has to be you with a phone call and then the doctors.


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