10 y
Re: Afraid to liver flush because a stone might get caught, I cannot afford ER, how to prevent???
Dr. Clark's
Liver Flush (never tried any of the others) uses
Epsom Salts which very specifically relaxes the bile ducts so stones don't get stuck. I've gotten stones out as big as the end of my thumb, no problem. I've read where others have gotten out bigger--and believe me--I had them getting stuck all the time before the
Liver Flushes I did, so I totally understand not wanting to get one stuck again!!
Dr Clark recommended if you do get one stuck (no emergency room required) 4 hours after eating take 2 tablespoons of the
Epsom Salts mixed in 8 (?)
oz of water, as I recall--might want to check that since I haven't had
liver stones get stuck in years so am kinda hazy on the details, but other than taking half the container at once, I don't think a little too much will hurt you. But again, might wanna check. I'd look it up in my copy of cure for all diseases, but I lost my pdf of it in a recent puter crash. :( Sorry! As for the rest of your questions, I never did any of those things, so I have no idea. The only cautionary thing Dr. Clark says is it best to do the flush after you've done the
parasite cleanse--otherwise it'll probably make you feel rather ill. I've been doing anti
parasite stuff for years and never did a
Liver Flush before I did the anti
parasite stuff so I don't know if it does or not. All I've felt was kinda tired the next day.