Oh yes I had so much brain fog, and part of my anxiety and apprehension about doing the flush was my comprehension of what I was reading was impaired re the Liver Flush instructions!
I use Malic Acid tablets (Magnesium Malate) for several days before the flush instead of apple juice - about 8 a day spaced out. For those of us who cannot tolerate fructose, it is a must.
I use regular Epsom Salts and have never had a problem and use lemon juice with light tasting olive oil.
I use a wheat bag on the liver for half an hour before drinking the oil mixture.
Re bowel cleansing... I was very very very constipated so I did do colonics. Are your bowels moving every day? If so you should be ok because the epsom mixtures will clean you out. If not, you will most likely need to do a colonic or the other option is to use Oxypowder .