Re: Raw Veganism
Me, i have tried to eat only raw green leaves and raw fruits (starchless) during several months and even if i felt less pressure in my body, this has not helped me to kill parasitic worms, on the contrary it may have helped them to grow more and to reproduce more.
Also the term "raw vegan" is too vague. If i would eat mostly raw potatoes, raw carrots, raw celeriac, and raw avocadoes, this would be considered "raw vegan", but this would be high starches + high fat, and this is not the best approach to keep the body clean...
For now i eat mostly green leaves + fruits + some olive oil + some alguaes + some seeds powder and sometimes some rice, some oats, some lentils, some beans, some potatoes, some honey. However this will probably change in the future, i may add more protein with eggs from my chickens (which i will take care of well so that it is a win win relation, i feed them and protect them, and they give me some eggs, an egg being a reserve of raw molecules, not a conscious animal. Same thing for honey, it is a reserve of raw molecules, and bees make it anyway) (if i manage to ingest them, because i don't like the odor nor the tastes of eggs...)
If you believe that parasitic worms can't exist in a well nourished, well functioning body, then
why wild animals who live in their natural environments, who breath fresh air, who eat raw foods, who move enough, who sleep enough, get infected by parasitic worms ?
If you think that humans or animals were immune to all kinds of parasitic worms when they lived in their "natural" environment, then how do you explain that parasitic worms still exist nowadays ? (if they can't exist in wild humans/animals when they live in their "natural" environments, not one parasitic worm should remain today, but this is not the case...)
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