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Re: How Do You Think You Got the Parasite?
Flossy Views: 1,849
Published: 10 y
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Re: How Do You Think You Got the Parasite?

Sorry, I see you did say you are in US. You should be able to get the Ivomec easily from a US farm supply agent on the internet.

Read up on ICU's idea and if it's all to overwhelming, get someone to help you sort through the instructions and come up with a plan. Write it out. Get a book, a scrapbook or journal and put all of your plans and notes in it daily.

You can then take it with you if you get a doctor who will listen to you and support you.

Record your weight and the childrens weight and get help with working out the dosages you need once you get your Ivermectin.

Try to see it as though you are a nurse and if you are not mathematically inclined ask for the help of someone who is.

This is a link to a chart from another forum. You can use it to help you with gauging correct dosages. I do not encourage you to follow the forum that this chart comes from. It is not well moderated adn has a lot of misinformation. Curezone is a much better source of information for you.

I just think this dosage guide may be helpful to you.


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