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Re: Pepe, In Regards to Your Response to Me

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

pepe Views: 1,889
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 225,078

Re: Pepe, In Regards to Your Response to Me


Yes Absolutly!

>No, your comments weren’t directed at them, they were directed at me.

You're correct there perhaps I shoulda worded it differently. But it certainly was my intent that others who read your post might get the gist that this wasn't part of the Master-Cleanse and that it could be dangerous. I'm glad it works for you, but works in relation to what? Certainly not the Master-Cleanse as you don't know how that woulda worked. This is not critizm just a simple fact as it relates to the MC. Hope you put this in your extensive notes too.......;+D


Gee, how very . . . condescending ;+D Perhaps I shoulda responded with the same over your "several weeks research bit" ;+D If this is not a contest then why are you making it one?

All your listed qualifiers have absolutly nothing to do with the MC. This is the Master-Cleanse forum and it is a "specific protocol" and yes you are not now or have ever done the "MC" before. No critisizm just a simple fact. >>Advice<< was given just like >>>anyone else<<<< might do on this forum. It just conflicted with your statement. All had you to do was not take it or just explain your position without the M_E_L_O_D_R_A_M_A (read veiled attack) about being excomunicated, rigidity yapity yap. Juan mo taim. If this is not a contest then why did you make it one? Catch my drift???

Sure everbody has the same opportunity as you and everybody has the opportunity to become president and everybody has the opportunity to become a millionaire and on and on and you can repeat these OBNF (obvious but not functional) statements till the cows come home and it won't change the reality that the ones that come here and take advantage of that opportunity are few and I would say even rare.

I'm glad that whatever it is you're doing is working to >your< satisfaction. I hope everything comes out all right.......;+D

Bu'bye and good luck in your "journey"

Hasta Banana ;+D



Yes Absolutly!

>No, your comments weren’t directed at them, they were directed at me.

You're correct there perhaps I shoulda worded it differently. But it certainly was my intent that others who read your post might get the gist that this wasn't part of the MC and that it could be dangerous. I'm glad it works for you but works in relation to what? Certainly not the MC as you don't know how that woulda worked. This is not critizm just a simple fact as it relates to the MC. Hope you put this in your extensive notes too.......;+D


Gee, how very . . . condescending ;+D Perhaps I shoulda responded with the same over your "several weeks research bit" ;+D If this is not a contest then why are you making it one?

All your listed qualifiers have absolutly nothing to do with the MC. This is the MC Forum and it is a "specific protocol" and yes you are not now or have never done the "MC" before. No critisizm just a simple fact. >>Advice<< was given just like >>>anyone else<<<< might do on this forum. It just conflicted with your statement. All had you to do was not take it or just explain your position without the M_E_L_O_D_R_A_M_A (read veiled attack) about being excomunicated, rigidity yapity yap. Juan mo taim. If this is not a contest then why did you make it one? Catch my drift??? Put that in your pipe and...... wait wait this is the MC Forum so maybe it should be put that in your enema bag and......oh never mind...........;+D

Sure everbody has the same opportunity as you and everybody has the chance to become president and everybody has the chance to become a millionaire and on and on and you can repeat these OBNF (obvious but not funtional) statements till the cows come home and it won't change the reality that the ones that come here and take advange of that opprotunity are few and I would say even say even rare.

I'm glad that whatever it is you're doing is working to >your< satisfaction. I hope everything comes out all right.......;+D

Bu'bye Good luck in your "journey"

Hasta Banana ;+D



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