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Cleansing is the Goal
snowfire Views: 2,092
Published: 21 y
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Cleansing is the Goal

Shelby, I wish you well on your spiritual path. Let us all support you in that endeavor.

As a result of reading your earlier post, I too am now trying an oxy cleanser (Colosan) as a part of the MC. Today is my first day with the Colosan, and I like it! It seems to me that the goal is to cleanse and it is up to each of us to determine what our individual cleansing focus should be and what techniques we might best use to meet our cleansing goal. I appreciate you sharing the results of your research: it has benefited me. In my view, that is what the "support" in support group is all about.

I do not find the use of an oxy cleanser at all inconsistent with what Burroughs states in his book. On page 21 is a section called "Helping the Cleansing Along." He says there "As this is a cleansing diet, the more you can assist Nature to eliminate poisons, the better." Later he recommends laxative teas, of which "there are several," as well as the SWF. If I need to be 100% consistent with Burroughs (which is debatable), I can just think of the oxy as another type of laxative. Surely Mr. Burroughs would agree.

With an oxy cleanser I feel I am "moving things along" as well as receiving an even deeper cleaning by oxy "scrubbing" the intestinal walls. What a bonus!

Cleanse on!


Shelby, I wish you well on your spiritual path. Let us all support you in that endeavor.

As a result of reading your earlier post, I too am now trying an oxy cleanser (Colosan) as a part of the MC. Today is my first day with the Colosan, and I like it! It seems to me that the goal is to cleanse and it is up to each of us to determine what our individual cleansing focus should be and what techniques we might best use to meet our cleansing goal.

I do not find the use of an oxy cleanser inconsistent with what Burroughs states in his book. On page 21 is a section called "Helping the Cleansing Along." He says there "As this is a cleansing diet, the more you can assist Nature to eliminate poisons, the better." Later he recommends laxatives teas "of which there are several" as well as the SWF. If I need to be consistent with Burroughs (which is debatable), I can just think of the oxy as another type of laxative.

With an oxy cleanser I feel I am "moving things along" as well as receiving an even deeper cleaning by oxy "scrubbing" the intestinal walls. What a bonus!

Cleanse on!


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