Re: concur
Since you know your hypothyroidism isn't caused by low cortisol or a nutritional deficiency in iodine, selenium, B12, or iron, maybe you should just go the pharmaceutical route and take T3 (as a temporary means to kick out the high RT3). This should bring your metabolism back up and running. I also took a laundry list of supplements: iodine, selenium, vitamin B12, iron, megadoses of Vitamin C, etc., but when everything checked out to be in range (or even over the range due to all the supplementation) and I was STILL hypothyroid, I knew I needed to do something else. So after the long wait, I decided to take synthetic T3 at a very low dose. Three weeks later, I was able to go off it. For the first time in years, I felt alive and warm again! My hair stopped falling out, and even my monthly became lighter (they used to be extremely heavy). I wondered why I hadn't done this earlier (my reason was because at the time, I believed the natural route would be enough) and how much hair I could've spared if I had done it earlier. So if you are suffering badly and it is drastically affecting your quality of life, perhaps consider foregoing the natural-cures-only mindset. Also, you mentioned your immune system is less than ideal (low neutrophil and WBC). You'll have to address that too since sadly, normalizing thyroid function doesn't always result in a normalized immune system (I'm no longer hypo but I still have fungal issues). Mushrooms like shiitake, maitake, and reishi may help modulate immune function but if you have a bad candida problem, then that is probably not enough (it wasn't enough for me). Colostrum is said to help boost the immune system but you probably have to take it in the fresh, whole food form and in a quantity much greater than what is found in tiny capsules in order to see any benefit. I tried a bottle of powdered colostrum caps and unfortunately, it didn't do much for me in terms of eradicating the yeasties. I don't know if you have candida or something else but (assuming that you don't have any kidney issues and aren't eating an excessive amount of protein), your foamy urine could be some sort of fungal or bacterial infection. Did you ever get that tested?