Health may seem illusive
Hi Strand,
I had a feeling it is going to go that way.
FMT has a great potential in curing microbiome, it would take a very long time (many years) for good microbiome to allow for spontaneous healing of the liver.
Seborrheic Dermatitis , Psoriasis, Hives, Acne, Exfoliative cheilitis, Athletes foot, Alopecia, and majority of other skin diseases are actually all more or less LIVER diseases and not only liver, as liver feeds intestines, they are also diseases of intestines.
Unfortunately, they are not recognized as liver diseases, but that is what they are.
They are not recognized because existing blood tests and other tests that may show a liver disease are simply not precise enough, not accurate enough to show subtle changes, changes that we end-up recognizing as food intolerance.
95% of people following Paleo diet or following any other similar restrictive diet (Low FODMAPS, candida diets, Raw diet ) are actually intolerant of some of the foods they are avoiding.
Seborrheic Dermatitis , though diagnosed as skin problem due to visible skin symptoms, is a liver problem that uses skin as its dashboard.
Liver and GI tract often uses skin as a dashboard to show us that something inside of us is not as it should be.
What is the connection between the food tolerance and the liver?
"Unlike most veins, the hepatic portal vein does not drain into the heart. So, it is not a real vein.
The hepatic portal vein conducts blood from the gastrointestinal tract and spleen to the liver. This blood is rich in nutrients that have been extracted from food, and the liver processes these nutrients; it also filters toxins that may have been ingested with the food. The liver receives about 75% of its blood through the hepatic portal vein, with the remainder coming from the hepatic artery proper. The blood leaves the liver to the heart in the hepatic veins."
food intolerance = liver-not-able-to-process-toxins-absorbed-by-GI-tract-carried-by-portal-vein.
Liver also feeds the heart. Atherosclerosis is also a liver disease. After the liver, liver blood flows into the heart.
That is why correct diet works in partially controlling Seb-Derm, Acne,
Psoriasis etc.
And now the question: How to cure the liver?
The liver is the most complex chemical factory known to men. As such, it can only be messed-up by medications. It can never be cured by taking medications.
To cure it, it has to be done naturally.
You can not cure the liver 100% without curing the intestines cause intestines feed liver.
You can not cure the intestines 100% without curing the liver, cause liver feeds intestines.
And, you can not cure liver and intestines without good diet, cause good diet feeds both the liver and the intestines.
So, why do people fail in curing Seb-Derm, or
Acne or
Psoriasis or Eczema?
Cause they usually try to heal only one out of 3 different systems, which for most people leads to failure, but for a few lucky ones it may be enough.
So, what you need to heal liver is:
- correct diet with plenty of good fats
FMT to help heal the intestines
Liver Flush to help heal the liver and the gallbladder
- time to allow complete healing
- emotional healing
Emotional healing? Yes, some people can not cure their liver without working on and curing their emotions and their feelings buried alive.
Read here:
You can crush or break a bone in a split second during a car or a bike accident, but it can take months to heal.
Liver is soft, not hard as bone, but even liver needs time to heal. Sometimes, it needs months, sometimes it needs years, sometimes it needs 10 years, it all depends on what healing modality you try, and if you keep hurting your liver during the healing process.
It also depends on how badly it was injured by chemicals, poor diet and poor lifestyle.
You don't have to suffer any symptoms during the healing time, if you are very careful with your diet and your lifestyle.
If you are not very careful with your diet, you will keep hurting your liver and keep prolonging healing time.
So, while those therapies may promote quick healing in some individuals, it usually takes longer time for an average Joe.
And, even then, when healed, it may not be as strong as blank new healthy liver, so you have to be careful with some foods and some toxins.
The general goal in healing should be to be so healthy that you can tolerate some occasional contact with grains, gluten, milk products, etc, and not develop any symptoms.
25 years ago, I was intolerant of: sugar, meat, eggs, milk, cheese,
food additives , wheat flour, rice, alcohol, industrially processed foods.
Today, I can eat huge amounts of natural meat, eggs, milk, cheese, wheat flour, rice, fried foods without having any reaction.
I still can't consume huge amounts of sugar, alcohol,
food additives , with no reaction. But, it was never my goal. My goal was to be as healthy as it takes to eat natural foods with having no reaction.
I achieved it by restrictive diet,
Liver Flushing and healthy lifestyle. It has taken more than a year of flushing to be able to eat meat, eggs and milk product.
If I knew about
FMT 25 years ago, it would have been part of my protocol, but I didn't know much about dysbiosis.
It has taken years to be able to consume moderate amount of
Sugar and consume occasional processed foods.
The general goal in healing should NOT be to be so healthy that you can tolerate drinking alcohol whole night, living on cakes for days, living on junk food for weeks, not sleeping for days in a row, smoking 3 packs of cigarettes and sniffing cocaine.
Yes, there are very few people who may be able to achieve that level of health after major dysbiosis and major liver health problem, but they are really very, very, very few.
Many people can not understand that. They think that broken bone can heal so well that you will never know it was broken in the first place. That is naive. Broken bone can heal, but if you place extreme load on that bone, you will feel the warning pain. Broken bone will never be as strong as bone that has never been broken.
If you have a small stone in your shoe, and that stone keeps irritating you until you develop a blister, you can cure that blister by removing the stone from your shoe.
But, you can not expect to be so healthy, that you can insert the stone into your shoe again, and not develop a blister.
Bitter herbs promote bile production. That is why
coffee enema also helps heal the liver.
coffee enema is not good for everyone. It often works well for people with blood type A.
But, if you find a correct herb, it may promote your healing!
Good luck with your health.