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Seborrheic Dermatitis under control!
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Seborrheic Dermatitis under control!

Seborrheic Dermatitis : my experience.

After reading more than a few eye-rollingly difficult to read, anecdotal laden articles regarding SD on this website, I feel I need to break down my personal experience. For the sake of brevity I will attempt to leave out a bunch of extraneous information.

I'm 32, a Caucasian male athlete, and aside from SD, I am in excellent health. One day a couple years ago, I noticed that both of my eyes started swelling up bilaterally for no apparent reason. I went to the General MD and he simply described the symptoms as Blepharitis. Thanks for nothing Doc, as usual.

Fast forward two years later and I am essentially a Seborrheic Dermatitis expert. I know more about the condition than any allergist or dermatologist I have visited.

The Breakdown:

If you're reading this and currently believe yourself to be lucky enough to be a member of the SD club, well: play some ceremonial Taps for your old way of life.
You're a Life Member. That's right. You'll NEVER get rid of it. Ever.

However, there is a ray of light illuminating the darkness.

For one, you can, if you have the discipline, take this opportunity to get yourself in the best shape of your life.

How so?

Well, the first step to relieving your symptoms is to Eliminate, NOT cut down, ALL inflammatory foods. If you're not willing to do this, well, Good Luck with that. I am of the persuasion that mine and others condition is food and environment allergy related. I will discuss why later.

For now: The plan.

*Ditch ALL grains including rice, wheat and quinoa
*Start cooking STRICTLY with organic virgin coconut oil

*Start juicing vegetables daily and add in some Apple Cider Vinegar. Daily.
(the claims that ACV contains yeast and therefore an inflammatory culprit are nonsense. I don't have time to provide the proof: go do your own research on ACV. Trust me. Add ACV to your daily SD regimen. An added benefit is that it assists the body in nutrient uptake)

*No more beer! Yep. Ditch the beer and almost every other alcoholic beverage aside from pure Agave Tequila(again, do your own research as to why)

*Realize that allergy tests are not a truly definitive science. Again, no time to delve the topic, but: there are so many inflammatory foods out there that all I will say is Good Luck pinpointing all of them, and blood allergy tests are unreliable. I have had dozens of these

*Understand what SD is. It's an inflammatory immune response. You need to address the major culprits: what you put in your body.

*Krill Oil is beneficial but not a cure. ( I've tried a few and use Mercola's)

*Rubbing honey on your skin will accomplish nothing aside from making you sticky( one of the most hilarious claims I've seen on this site: It absolutely doesn't work regardless of its natural Antibiotic qualities.

*Topical ACV can assist with neutralizing the toxins emitted from an SD breakout site. Make sure you dilute.

*Try Astaxanthin. I take it daily( Mercola's brand) For one, it is THE most powerful antioxidant known to man, so even though it's not going to cure your SD, it's a solid piece of the puzzle to boost your immune system.

*Probiotics: if you don't take them: Start now. Daily. A cheaper( and better) option is to ferment your own vegetables in canning jars. The probiotic content is millions of times more potent than what you can buy in a pill. Personally I dont have time to can veggies. I use the capsules.

*Turmeric: Remember the Krill and Astaxantin? Well raw Turmeric is probably the third most powerful known anti-inflammatory food. These formulate the trifecta. Turmeric is pretty gnarly by itself: blend up a one inch piece daily in your green smoothie

*Yoga. I cannot explain how critical doing Yoga is. Talk about removing toxins.

Since I've been on this strict regimen: I simply don't have SD breakouts. I have done a few experiments however, and occasionally( once every 6 months or so) I will test to see if the SD has been "cured" by consuming a wheat bread sandwich, or will have a beer.

The inflammatory response is almost immediate. Everytime.
I should note that my response is not your typical allergic response( I am a Paramedic so I'm very familiar with Allergic reactions)

My reactions are textbook SD and It takes me weeks to cleanse my system from the inflammatory toxins.

I see so many people on here just living with this condition, and dermatologists diagnosing it simply as a chronic skin disease.


Your body is trying to tell you something. You have developed an intolerance to certain foods. Listen to your body and remove the offenders from your diet and start exercising more.

In my experience, and I have tried everything from topical and oral steroids( Do Not make this same mistake) to the so called Natural Topical remedies.

Understand this: If you think you will overcome this condition by simply rubbing something on your skin, or supplementing your diet: you are in for a major disappointment.

The ONLY way to suppress symptoms, maybe even permanently, is to adhere to a total lifestyle change. I am now in the best shape of my life thanks to the lifestyle changes I was FORCED to undergo.

Ah the irony.

Good luck.



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