My results are typical. Anyone that searches the curezone site will see others that did Not get the results Beck claimed for HIV and actually got worse. Where I differed from the rest, is that I used the zapper far more extensively and with better methods, such as wrist-to-wrist and ankle-to-ankle plus I take herbs, vitamins and exercise and lead a very healthy lifestyle. I often used 2 zappers at a time, also. I have seven (7) Beck zappers. They don't work even remotely near Beck's claims. I think If I was zapping , even with a single frequency Clark zapper, that many hours everyday, like I did, my results would have been very different.
I very thoroughly tested the Beck protocol.
If anyone wants to show a zapper work, they need to show it at least kill microbes in water or under a micro-scope. A patent is not proof and the patent from Kaali and Lyman is often cited as proof the Beck zapper works, even though the exact work of Kaali & Lyman is not known and therefore assumptions made that the Beck zapper conforms to the patent, can not even be inferred.