Rich, you are living proof that blood electrification is the next best thing to a cure. It keeps people healthy regardless of their viral level. I know it is not a cure and I say so on my site. Here is a section from my page :
"A logical assessment of the facts in two videos (#1 #2) recently lead me to the conclusion that HIV by itself cannot cause AIDS. These videos have completely convinced me. That leaves the question of what is it then that is decreasing immunity? This site says that it is the GP120 protein that the HIV carries that causes a chain reaction resulting in the death of the immune cells. They are developing a medicine to fight it but until it is readily available all patients can do is rely on dangerous drugs or do blood electrification to restrict viral infection and act as a second immune system. It is really only symptoms that ultimately matter, not HIV and CD4 counts. The presence of retrovirus antibodies is only a secondary phenomena. This is why Beck saw AIDS patients recover their health although they still had HIV. The Beck protocol did a good job and I assume that the clients returned to a healthy lifestyle in order to increase their chances of success. These three things all fight microbes, both known and unknown: blood electrification, ozonated water, colloidal silver. AIDS patients also can greatly benefit from my Candida Zapper since candida growth in/on the body is one of the most common infections for them. Although there is no absolute proof of complete elimination (long lasting) of HIV (since it can hide out in the gut), there are many reports of people who have regained their health by using the Beck protocol. Here are some that I found today. I personally witnessed two people with AIDS who used only the blood electrifier. The first person regained strength and weight, and the second person stayed healthy and infection free as long as he used it. Those are the only two people I was in contact with who used my blood electrifier against AIDS. If I had HIV and was able to live healthy by using this device 1 hour daily I would be happy (I know someone with HIV who does blood electrification and is so healthy he can exercise 3 hours a day! But he still has high HIV.). "
My results are typical. Anyone that searches the curezone site will see others that did Not get the results Beck claimed for HIV and actually got worse. Where I differed from the rest, is that I used the zapper far more extensively and with better methods, such as wrist-to-wrist and ankle-to-ankle plus I take herbs, vitamins and exercise and lead a very healthy lifestyle. I often used 2 zappers at a time, also. I have seven (7) Beck zappers. They don't work even remotely near Beck's claims. I think If I was zapping , even with a single frequency Clark zapper, that many hours everyday, like I did, my results would have been very different.
I very thoroughly tested the Beck protocol.
If anyone wants to show a zapper work, they need to show it at least kill microbes in water or under a micro-scope. A patent is not proof and the patent from Kaali and Lyman is often cited as proof the Beck zapper works, even though the exact work of Kaali & Lyman is not known and therefore assumptions made that the Beck zapper conforms to the patent, can not even be inferred.