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Re: Meet Mike Bickle
Mighty.Sun.Tzu Views: 1,764
Published: 11 y
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Re: Meet Mike Bickle

I have continually expressed to you refreshed that i do not support every error people have made which deviate from basic core nar beliefs which are true, meaning that God's gifts and His living voice are for today... and that i specifically oppose the issues i am led to specifically oppose. I feel that many many prophesies about the future are false and i am led to discern each one i hear, most of which i am led to reject... mostly i avoid them and don't pay attention to them. Many prophetic words by the way are actually words of encouragement, not predictions of the future.. and many are very true and encouraging... i don't agree that God led todd bentley into adultery or to punch a lady in the face in order for her to be healed and i certainly do not support what he did, i don't agree that every person appointed by nar leaders as apostles are actually apostles of the Lord Jesus commissioned by HIM and certainly mistakes are made with this, i certainly do not support necromancy, i never agreed with "toke the ghost" or sloshfest, i don't agree with financial prosperity teaching or the controlling and manipulative tithe teaching, i don't agree with genuine control, manipulation and/or spiritual abuse from pastors and have witnessed much of it, often subtle, in several different places among the several dozens i have visited, etc etc etc... but you seem to be willfully blind in receiving these words, many of which i must have repeated at least 20 times in the past 2 weeks alone as if you have scales over your eyes and/or severe comprehension issues. Why are you too stubborn to acknowledge the words i have written so many times, to at least acknowledge that i have written them? Please answer this question for me without diverting and please do your best to try not to ignore these words i have written once again.


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