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Meet Mike Bickle
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Meet Mike Bickle

Hi Ed,

As you know, Ed, I agree with you on many things and there are also some things that I do not agree with you on. I agree with you that the gifts of the Spirit are for today etc., but we cannot just assume that every minister who operates in the gifts and appears to the world of Christianity that he has correct theology is someone we should sit under, learn from, or follow. Many people are very hungry for God. When they think that a minister has some special in to God they will flock to the minister and seek after the minister instead of to diligently seek after God for themselves. Seeking after God to that extent is a work that some are just too lazy to do. It's just much easier to follow someone who they feel has a special anointing from God hoping that they will receive from God through a man. Running a 24 hour prayer room sounds very appealing and spiritual. Just because someone runs a 24 hour prayer room, operates in the gifts etc. does not mean that we should promote this minister. The minister, himself, may not even be saved. The Bible tells us that many will come in His name and Jesus will turn them away saying, "Depart from Me for I never knew you." They will tell Jesus of all the wonderful things that they did in His name thinking that the manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit in their lives was some kind of proof of their own salvation. These are people who could pray for people and God would heal them. These are people who spoke in tongues. Yet, Jesus will turn them away. These are people that got off in their flesh and the deception of satan to the point that they did not endure to the end. They may have started out right.

Ed, Jesus said in the last days many will come in His name. They will even say that Jesus is the Christ. Yet, Jesus said they are only leading many people astray.

I agree with you that cessationism is a false teaching. but many who are not cessationists are leading people astray as well. Let's face it this is also a strong delusion. Many ministers are in it to promote themselves not Christ. How do you know that the 24 hour prayer room is not just a ploy to suck people in?

Ed, I am concerned about Mike Bickle and Ihop because of the many people who have come out of it warning others of the group. I have heard of these warnings long before Vektek started warning us. I believe that these stories must be true because of the commonality of them. I have no problem listening to great worship music that they may have. I do have a problem with promoting them if it is just set up to suck people dry. They may have correct theology that they are parading in front of people in order to get people hooked, but that does not mean that they are really working for Jesus. Ihop really does sound like a cult to me because of the control that they have over the people. This is the Nicolaitan error that Jesus spoke of that He hated.

This is a link to Vektek's article:


Vektek is good in spotting things that are not right. We should learn from that. The problem I have with Vektek is that she throws the truth out with the dirt just because of all the dirt satan has wrapped around the truth. Satan does not want people to know the truth. Satan will play both ends. We need to stay away from groups and ministers who surround the truth with dirt and error.

Mike Bickle is going to only say good and appealing things about the group on camera in order to attract people. He is smart enough to keep quiet about what is going on that is not of God. If it were not for all these warning stories of people, I would probably think that he is great too. There are just too many stories for me to not consider them.

Ed, do not be lead astray by wolves just because they are not cessationists. You do not want to be in that group.


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