I'm trying to be open here with you. I'm trying to be reasonable.
Giggly girl = no prob. No one is concerned. It's like the Catholic church which keeps forgiving and forgiving within itself and not bringing criminals to justice....no prob....sweep it under the rug and go on.
The problem is...the Catholic church CAN be held accountable (even if they think they can't)....but a free floating ministry can not.
They are untouchable.
It's like a flash mob. Only one person may get caught doing the dirty deed....the other 99 got away with it. The group as a whole can not be brought down....because they are not a group. The mob can grow and grow from all directions and there is no stopping it. It's the same with NAR...churches from all over can keep joining and participating and no one is bothering to check them at the door.
What causes both of those things? A false "oneness" of mind.