Re: coconut oil and your liver
I happen to agree with your RokyBird, I too started eating more fats not in vast amounts, but I started eating more grass fed butter and cooking with coconut oil.
It aggravated a liver problem that I didn't know I had from cocaine abuse. I feel pressure under my rib cage on my right hand side of body, and a little discomfort on the left too.
Along with this pressure I feel, I get pain in my lower back and then some sharp pains in right shoulder blade - I have read of these symptoms all over the internet in connection with a fatty liver. Although healthy fats do help, it isn't recommended to eat these fats when your liver is repairing or weak.
Now I am eating a reasonable amount of healthy fats, but the main thing for me to help my liver and decrease swelling is to eat small, only a little animal proteins, simple veg and fruits ( esp. apples ) - drinking dandelion & burdock tea, taking some milk thistle, drinking lots of water, drinking fresh lemons too.
According to the advice out there, this should cleanse my liver and give it a rest.
Cruel pate makers force feed ducks bread and the result is that their liver becomes very swollen - DISGUSTING when you thing about it - but that is what happens to the liver if you OVER tax it. Over eating, too much calories and rich diets with heavy fat and animal products will increase swelling ... well that is what I have read.
I hope that soon my liver will be in better condition, because water retention is horrible.. my face was so puffy ... dandelion and burdock tea is supposedly really good as a diuretic... we'll see, I have been peeing alot today though.